COLUMBUS- The U.S. Supreme Court today granted the State’s request for an extension of time to submit its jurisdictional statement in its appeal of the trial court’s decision to throw out Ohio’s gerrymandered Congressional map. The ACLU of Ohio had urged the Court to uphold a June 28th deadline previously agreed upon by all parties, but the high Court’s decision enables the State to delay further.
“It is typical for a court to grant a party’s request for an extension and, let’s be clear, this is not a long extension – it’s 21 days. We will then be able to resume proceedings in our case, and work towards implementation of a fair map in time for the November, 2020 Election. While the State’s position is that a new map would need to be in place by September 20, 2019, the current map wasn’t approved by the legislature until December 15 of the year prior to its use. So there is still time to enact a constitutional map,” said Freda Levenson, Legal Director for the ACLU of Ohio.
The granted request is available.