The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio is headquartered at the Max Wohl Civil Liberties Center in Cleveland. The organization also maintains regional offices in Columbus and Cincinnati.

Utilizing integrated advocacy that cuts across litigation, policy analysis and advocacy, lobbying, community organizing, and public education, the ACLU of Ohio seeks to preserve civil liberties and advance civil rights for each new generation.

The ACLU of Ohio is an affiliate of the national ACLU. Founded in 1920, the national ACLU includes more than 1.5 million members in all 50 states, making it our country's foremost advocate of individual rights. The ACLU of Ohio, governed by a 24-member board of directors, has nearly 30,000 members and supporters statewide, in all of Ohio’s 88 counties.

We are supported by annual dues and contributions from supporters, as well as grants from private foundations. We do not receive any government funding.

Because the ACLU has a limited budget and staff, it is impossible to represent every person whose civil liberties have been violated. Instead, the organization tries to select cases which will impact the greatest number of people -- those cases which have the potential to break new ground or establish new precedents to strengthen our freedoms.

Mission Statement

To champion and expand constitutional and other fundamental rights and to pursue racial, economic, gender, and social equity for all Ohioans using all the tools of integrated advocacy without political partisanship; to fight in both principle and practice for the best ideals of fairness, freedom, and justice; and to advance our mission through an anti-racist, intersectional lens with determination, agility, practicality, and hope.

Vision Statement

The ACLU of Ohio envisions a just and equitable Ohio where all people are fairly represented in a strong democracy, unoppressed by racism, and able to live their fullest lives.


  • We are anti-racist.
  • We utilize integrated advocacy.
  • We lead with integrity.
  • We fight for fairness, freedom, and justice.
  • We have a non-partisan commitment to the Constitution.

Strategic Issue Priorities

  • Political Participation and Voting Rights
  • Criminal Legal System Reform
  • Personal Autonomy and Dignity
  • Outreach, Inclusion, and Belonging


Union/Foundation: What is the Difference?

Active Civil Liberties Leaders in Ohio

In Memory: Tributes to Past Civil Liberties Leaders

Additional resources below: