The ACLU of Ohio opposes censorship in all its forms.  From books and radio to film, television, and the internet, we ensure Ohioans have the right to learn without fear of government suppression. Book banning is one of the most common and pervasive forms of censorship in our society.  

There is a difference between challenging a book and banning a book. Before a book can be banned (and thus removed from the shelves of a public library or school library), someone must come forward and file a challenge to that book, typically by filling out a form to request that staff reconsider a book’s place in the public or school library’s collection. 

  • Some institutions may allow individuals to submit challenges to multiple titles at a time, whereas some may only permit one title to be challenged per submission. 
  • Once a book is challenged, the governing entity of that institution—usually a school district’s superintendent and board of education, or a public library’s board of trustees—must decide whether to remove the book from circulation based on its internal policies. Those policies vary by institution.
    • An institution may also decide to restrict access to a book based on age or other criteria. 

Unfortunately, book challenges and bans have increased sharply in recent years. The American Library Association (ALA) tracked 1,247 demands to censor library books and resources, including 938 attempts to censor books. These attempts targeted 4,240 unique book titles in 2023, yet another record since the organization began tracking this data over 20 years ago. This figure represents a 65 percent increase from the challenges reported in 2022. These figures only encompass challenges that were reported—the actual number is likely higher. 

  • This year, public libraries experienced a 92 percent increase in unique challenges, compared to an 11 percent increase for school libraries.   

The distinction between challenges filed and the individual titles that are challenged is an important one. According to the ALA, most challenges before 2020 applied to just one book and often came from an individual. Increasingly though, pro-censorship groups and individuals will now challenge hundreds of titles at a time. 

  • Ohio is an example of this. The ALA reports 40 challenges to 235 unique titles, making our state one of 17 to experience more than 100 book challenges. 

Unsurprisingly, 47 percent of the titles challenged contain the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals and Black, Indigenous, and other people of color. These bans are not coincidental. Queer, Black, and brown authors and themes are being singled out. 

  • The 12 most frequently challenged books in 2023, per the ALA, are proof-positive of this, with titles like Maia Kokabe’s Gender Queer: A Memoir, Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Lorain native Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye in the top ten.
    • Over the years, very few authors’ works have been targeted more frequently than the renowned, Pulitzer Prize-winning Morrison’s. 

Even when books are not challenged or removed from the shelves, those who would seek to censor them find other ways to do so. 

Case in point: in July 2022, author Jason Tharp was prevented from reading his book "It’s Okay to Be a Unicorn" at Buckeye Valley West Elementary after parents and school board members complained that the book conveyed a pro-LGBTQ+ message. The school’s principal then instructed Mr. Tharp not to read the book during his visit. 

  • The ACLU of Ohio responded with a letter expressing serious First Amendment concerns. The Buckeye Valley School District’s new superintendent sent an encouraging reply, after which we sent one more follow-up.  

The bottom line is that students have a First Amendment right to have access to materials in their schools’ libraries free of viewpoint discrimination, and an outside speaker like Mr. Tharp has a right to be free of viewpoint discrimination while visiting a school. 

Beyond that, our state legislature has created a hostile environment for K-12 educators, college and university professors, librarians, authors like Mr. Tharp, and drag performers (among others!) with the litany of pro-censorship bills being debated in the current General Assembly.  

Take back the narrative! 

You might ask “what can I do to advocate against book banning if I am not a decision-maker in these processes or a lawyer?” The short answer is that you can organize and make your voice heard! 

  • Communities across Ohio have made clear that they do not want their school libraries and public libraries to be places where books are censored and voices are silenced, particularly queer, Black, and brown voices.  
  • In fact, many attempts at book banning and other forms of censorship are activating wide swathes of communities across the state—whether it’s students at Big Walnut High School in central Ohio, parents in the Cleveland-area Mentor School District, community members at the Muskingum County Library in southeast Ohio, or students and parents at the Cincinnati-area Forest Hills Local School District
  • Statewide organizations like Honesty for Ohio Education have stepped up to the plate, too. They advocate not just for the freedom to read, but also the freedom to receive an honest education grounded in truth, facts, and diverse perspectives. 
  • The national organization Unite Against Book Bans also offers book resumes, which can help librarians, teachers, and community members educate others about the educational value of many frequently challenged books and dispel misinformation about the book. 
  • Additionally, the ACLU of Ohio Action Team advocates every day for change at the local and state level. Fighting censorship is very much a part of that work. And if you’d like to learn more about the fight against book banning across the country, the national ACLU has you covered.  

In short, there are so many ways to get involved. While book banning attempts may seem omnipresent these days, we can and we must fight back. Even the act of reading a banned book and encouraging your friends to do so is powerful. 

Join us in celebrating this Banned Books Week at your local public library, school library, or out in your community.