COLUMBUS - Today the Ohio Legislature passed Senate Bill 27, an unconstitutional bill that would require abortion clinics to provide burial or cremation for fetal and embryonic tissue. Like all of Ohio’s healthcare providers, abortion clinics already follow strict state-regulated procedures for the safe and appropriate handling of all biological tissue. This bill now awaits review from Governor DeWine, who may choose to veto or sign the legislation within 10 days of the bill being delivered to him.
“This bill serves no legitimate purpose. It is just one more transparent attempt to obstruct Ohioans from exercising their constitutionally protected reproductive rights. The law exclusively targets abortion providers, and requires that they pay for the cost of cremation or internment of fetal tissue. This is calculated to drive up the cost of obtaining abortions and put additional strain on patients and clinics across Ohio,” noted Freda Levenson, Legal Director for the ACLU of Ohio.
Senate Bill 27 applies to embryonic and fetal – and, inexplicably, even cellular – tissue from surgical abortions, but not from medical abortions, miscarriages, or stillbirths. It also does not apply to embryos disposed of by fertility clinics.
“The nonsensical and inconsistent application of this bill validates the fact that it was passed to burden patients and providers and increase the costs of abortion care. We urge Governor DeWine to veto this bill and put a stop to this unending line of legislative harassment,” concluded Levenson.