Today, the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio and other women’s rights groups call on Ohio legislators to protect women’s health.
The Ohio House Health Committee is holding its first hearing on HB 228, which if enacted will ban all abortions in Ohio without exception and will prohibit the transportation of women across state lines to get an abortion. HB 228, introduced by State Representative Tom Brinkman, comes only months after a similar abortion ban became law in South Dakota.
“This bill is extreme and dangerous to Ohio families,” said Carrie Davis, ACLU of Ohio staff attorney.
“Women should be able to make personal decisions about health care without government intrusion,” added Davis.
In a national survey conducted by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, Ohio ranked 48th overall for failing to provide adequate health insurance coverage for birth control and family planning money for reproductive services.
“Ohio women would be better served if Ohio legislators would focus on common-sense solutions to reducing unintended pregnancies such as promoting sexuality education and ensuring access to birth control and emergency contraception,” said Davis.