Cocktails and Contraception » Cleveland
"A woman's health decisions are a private matter between her priest and her husband." - Stephen Colbert
Stephen Colbert's quip may be funny, but the furor surrounding the access to contraception is no laughing matter.
Catholic bishops and other conservative voices contend that requiring faith-based institutions to provide access to birth control, which they believe is sinful, violates religious freedom.
Does this rule violate religious freedom, or are Catholic bishops perverting the Constitution?
Join fellow activists for an evening of camaraderie, cocktails, and conversation about religious freedom and contraception, featuring Jessie Hill, professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
Prior to joining the law faculty at CWRU, Ms. Hill worked at the Reproductive Freedom Project of the national ACLU, litigating challenges to state law restrictions on reproductive rights. She haw written and presented extensively on women's health and reproductive rights.