September 17, 2024

Columbus, OH – The ACLU of Ohio sent a letter to Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski in response to public statements he made about tracking and recording certain political signs displayed by Portage County residents. The official posts instructed, “Write down all the addresses of the people who had [Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris] signs in their yards.” In its letter, the ACLU of Ohio advises that this is unconstitutional behavior by a government official aimed at suppressing disfavored speech. The organization insists that the messages be taken down and retracted immediately.  

Statement from ACLU of Ohio Legal Director Freda Levenson: 

“Sheriff Zuchowski has made an impermissible, unconstitutional threat against Portage County residents who wish to engage in protected First Amendment activity. Many have reasonably understood his posts to be a threat of governmental action to punish them for their expressed political beliefs and have been coerced to take down or refrain from putting up a yard sign. The ACLU of Ohio insists that Sheriff Zuchowski right these wrongs and follow the law – as is his duty as an elected official and his role as sheriff.”