COLUMBUS- Today, the ACLU of Ohio sent a letter to Waynesville Village Council regarding the unconstitutional, discriminatory treatment against Mr. David Nation, an applicant for a vacant Village Council seat who was denied the position because of his sexual orientation. The ACLU of Ohio urges the Village to immediately implement a policy of nondiscrimination to ensure no future applicants or current or prospective employees of the Village experience similar discriminatory conduct. 

In June, after the Waynesville Village Council announced a seat vacancy, Mr. Nation – a well-known local activist in the LGBTQ+ community -- eagerly applied for the position. Mr. Nation received widespread public support, but the Council engaged in procedural irregularities, including soliciting additional applicants, none of whom applied on their own initiative or by the Council’s stated deadline. On July 31, a Special Meeting was held for the sole purpose of considering the applicants and a vote was taken against Mr. Nation.  

“The Waynesville Village Council engaged in flagrant discrimination against Mr. Nation. Excluding individuals because they are different is not only prohibited by law, but also inhibits a community’s growth and ability to thrive. We look forward to the Council’s prompt action to address this glaring constitutional violation,” noted Amy Gilbert, Senior Staff Attorney for the ACLU of Ohio. 

The ACLU of Ohio urges the Village of Waynesville to immediately implement a policy of non-discrimination. A public records request for further investigation has also been sent to the Waynesville Clerk of Council to review the Village’s unconstitutional action and a potential violation of Ohio’s Open Meetings Laws.