It shouldn’t be. But unfortunately in some states, the answer is yes.
In case you missed it, in late September, the national ACLU filed a federal discrimination charge in defense of 16-year-old Tyler Brandt, a summer employee at a Taco John’s franchise in South Dakota. Tyler’s supervisor forced him to wear a nametag with “GAYTARD” printed on it, and proceeded to use this slur in front of customers and other staff.
Tyler was so humiliated, he decided to quit. To make matters worse, the leadership at Taco John’s headquarters refused to apologize.
What Tyler experienced could happen in Ohio as state law doesn’t protect LGBT individuals against discrimination in the workplace. It’s imperative that state legislators take action to protect all Ohioans from sexual orientation discrimination by passing the Equal Housing and Employment Act legislation, which has been languishing in the Ohio General Assembly for more than a decade.
Read Tyler's story in his own words.
Show your support for Tyler by signing onto the ACLU’s online petition to call on Taco John’s to apologize and make clear that their corporation will not tolerate workplace bullying.
It’s time for Ohio’s leaders to recognize that our state can be better place to live and work by ensuring fair and equal treatment for all Ohioans. You can sign the petition to support the Equal Housing and Employment Act at our coalition partner’s website, Equality Ohio.