The ACLU of Ohio is committed to repealing the death penalty in Ohio once and for all.
The death penalty is an expensive, ineffective, racist, and arbitrary system that puts innocent lives at risk.
Did you know?
- Eleven people have been sentenced to death and then later declared innocent in Ohio. This kind of mistake is far too frequent when human lives are at stake.
- Black or African American people make up 13.3% of Ohio’s population and 55.8% of Ohio’s death row as of January 2023.
- The cost of imposing a death sentence could cost taxpayers up to $384 million. It would be more cost-effective to replace the death penalty with a sentence of life without the possibility of parole.
The ACLU of Ohio is fighting to abolish the death penalty in Ohio along with Ohioans to Stop Executions, Ignite Peace, and a broad group of partners from faith leaders to conservative allies and everyone in-between. The moment is ripe for repeal. At the Statehouse, a bipartisan team is backing a new legislative push, SB 101 and HB 259 would repeal Ohio’s death penalty.
Currently, 23 states plus Washington D.C. have cut ties with the death penalty; Ohio can and should be the next.