George Beatty. Beatty is a graduate of Withrow High School class of 1968. Beatty then attended and graduated with a B.A. from Antioch college in 1973. Member of National Association of Security Dealers, President West-End community council 1999-2001, President of Genesis 1999-2001 and Precinct executive democratic party-1D. Beatty currently is President of the East End Pendleton Heritage Center and Owner and entrepeneur- Junebugs Barbeque, 1800 Linn Street in the West-end.
Michelle Taylor-Mitchell. Graduate Univ. Cincinnati 1986 in social work. Raised in Walnut Hills, Ms. Taylor-Mitchell has been active in social justice work for three decades, starting with her work on Community Action Agency’s Head Start program in 1973. Participant in community councils in Winton Terrace, Findlater Gardens, Avondale, Over the Rhine. She has served on the staff of the Association for Home Care Agencies, Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses, and the Hamilton County Department of Human Services. She is currently involved in a number of community groups, including the OTR Contact Center, Cincinnati Black United Front, the Mental Health Roundtable, and Avondale Community Council, and remains committed to Head Start as a policy council representative. She is the mother of four children and grandmother of thirteen grandchildren.
Wendell Young. Born and raised in Cincinnati. Attended Cinti. Public Schools (Hughes High School 1963). U.S. Air Force: Active duty from August 1963- January 1967. Cincinnati Police Department from April 1967 – June 1992; At time of retirement in 1992, was Sergeant in command of the CPD Recruiting Unit. Training Sergeant at the Cincinnati Police Academy. School Resource Officer at Withrow High School from 1977 –1984. City of Cincinnati Assistant Director of Personnel/Equal Employment Opportunity Officer: June 1992- August 1999. Cincinnati Police Academy: Assistant to the Academy Commander: August 1999 – August 2000. Metropolitan Sewer District: August 2000 – Present; MSD Diversity Manager & Training Institute Director. In 1995, nominated by U.S. Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) for the post of U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Ohio. President of The Sentinel Police Association: 1979 – 1984. President of the Cincinnati Branch NAACP: 1984 – 1986. Past president: Cincinnati Chapter of National Forum For Black Public Administrators. Past Board Member of Cincinnati Retired Senior Volunteer Program. Past on-air reader for Radio Reading Services. Married with two children. Attended the University of Cincinnati and The Union Institute.